Imagine a doctor writing you a prescription that you can use anytime, that you look forward to like never before and know that the potential side effects include spontaneous euphoria and good mood. And on top of that, it’s free. Imagine a doctor prescribing you nature!
The recommendation of being in nature is not a fiction or some new age fad. It is real.
Researchers from UNSW University in Sydney have provided international evidence for nature on prescription and its ability to improve health.
“This study is built on a long-term research program conducted at our University, which showed that contact with nature – and especially trees – is really good for strengthening mental and physical health throughout life,” said Prof. Feng from the mentioned university.
Research also showed that contact with nature reduces the negative impact of poor air quality in the cities, heat waves, chronic stress related to depression and anxiety, the effects of a sedentary lifestyle and ubiquity of technology, while at the same time encouraging positive behaviors such as socializing and physical activity. This can help prevent problems such as loneliness and cardiovascular disease.
Hundreds of studies have documented the effect of green spaces on health outcomes, according to dr. Daphne Miller from The National Parks Conservation Association in USA. In Copenhagen, living a short distance from a garden or park is associated with less stress and a lower body mass index. In the United States, children diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) were more focused in natural environments than in built outdoor or indoor environments. In Japan, greener neighborhoods and more parks are associated with longevity among the elderly population. Respondents report many other benefits from being in nature – less fatigue during the day, a sense of calm, better sleep, weight loss and even lower blood pressure.
Prescriptions for nature appear naturally only as a supplement to standard medical care. For example, the UK government recently invested £5.77 million in a ‘green social prescribing’ pilot program and Canada launched a national nature-as-medicine prescribing program.
We are starting a new 2024 season
We believe that it is not necessary to say more in favor of staying in nature. We all know that good feeling very well, and we believe that children will enjoy spending time in nature the most. Spring is around the corner, so is a new season in Camping Plitvice that brings a bunch of news, joy and rest. The Easter holidays are an ideal opportunity to visit our camp, spend the day in the most famous national park, Plitvice Lakes, which is celebrating its 75th birthday this year and offers many benefits during the promotional week from April 1 to 8. Download their app for connecting to nature, which is your pocket guide to the park.
At the beginning of the season, find benefits in our Camping Plitvice for early bookings at the hotel reception or on the booking link. Whether you came for a trip or a longer stay, find refreshment in the rich selection of food and drinks in our restaurant, which opens its doors from March 25. Follow us for more news and an announcement of the summer season.
We bring some of the positive news from the end of the 2023 season
The “Plitvice Digital Nomad Week“, held from October 22 to 29 last year, showed that digital nomads are certainly welcome in our camp, which offers them all the necessary facilities for a pleasant stay, the work they do remotely and simultaneous pleasure and rest. Organized by the Digital Nomad Association (DNA) and Tanja Polegubić and Rowena Hennigan, one of the members and advisors of the DNA board, many digital nomads got to know the beauty of the Plitvice region and the offer of our Camping Plitvice.
Kelsey Kay Love, as one of the digital nomad week participants, shares her satisfying experience: “Camping Plitvice, a lovely little piece of paradise just a few minutes from the entrance to the Plitvice Lakes National Park… After spending the last 2+ months on a personal whirlwind tour of Southern Europe, from Lagos to Marseille, to Naples, Vlora and Kotor, I can say with absolute certainty that the Plitvice area in Croatia is an off-season gold mine (in the season as well, I’m sure), and I would absolutely recommend it to digital nomads and travelers in general”.
Team Building is still the most requested pre- and post-season package since more and more companies recognize the value of periodic rest (and strengthening) of the entire company, and this is especially important in the pre-holiday (often hectic) period. Well-known business portals such as Lider Media, Poduzetnik Biz, Profitiraj, Progressive or Žene i novac recommend team building in our Camping Plitvice.
It has been scientifically proven that the positive effects of the team spending time in nature additionally increase productivity and reduce stress. To additionally strengthen the entire company and relations between employees, it is enough to achieve “team bonding”. NASA research has shown that tired crews under pressure who have flown together before make far fewer mistakes than new crews who have never flown as a team.